Disneyland Tip 1

Week 1 Tip: Save money on your Disneyland trip by purchasing Disney gift cards from Sam's Club.  Use the gift cards to purchase your tickets, souvenirs, etc. I saved about $150 on my trip!


Hey guys! 1gr8vacation is ready for a new adventure.  We are headed to Disneyland!  Subscribe to 1gr8vacation so you do not miss a single post. Each week I will post a tip of the week about our upcoming Disneyland trip.

Historic Jamestowne, Virginia

The last day of our four day Columbus Day weekend in Washington D.C. and Southern Virginia was memorable.  We spent the day exploring Historic Jamestowne, Virginia.  Read on to learn more about how our family was able to visit this important site from American history while maintaining a budget. Remember to subscribe to my blog so you don't miss a single post.
